Your Child's Rights In Criminal Law


Criminal law does not just pertain to those over the age of 18. Anyone under the age of 18 is also subject to criminal law enforcements should they break the law. This can include theft, bullying, and other criminal behavior. The only difference is the way in which your child would be punished if found guilty of any of these crimes. If your child is arrested, it's important that you know their rights under the criminal law.

11 July 2016

A Brief Guide To Making A Succession Plan For The Family Business You Started


Small family companies that don't have a succession plan in place when the founder dies or retires have a greater risk of failing than a company that has taken the time to prepare for the future without the original owner. The Boston Globe recently reported in February 2016, that roughly 8 out of 10 family businesses do not have a succession plan in place. This can result in arguments among family members on who will be in charge and cause the company to lose focus on what they have done to be successful.

25 May 2016

Top Reasons Why You May Want To Retain A Social Security Disability Lawyer


If you are have found yourself to be disabled and are in need of financial assistance because of your inability to work, you may want to find a social security disability lawyer to help with your case. To help you understand why it is in your best interest to retain an attorney, you will want to take a few moments to review the following points. Guides You Through The Long Application 

24 May 2016

Have Children And Want To Leave Your Marriage? Use This Advice Before You File


If your marriage is ending and you have children, the entire situation can be a sad and hard one. It can be even more stressful for you if you want custody of your children. Using the four suggestions that follow can prepare you for the difficult time ahead so that you can remain level-headed and a good parent to your children. Spend Time with a Marriage Counselor Many people think there's not a reason to go to a marriage counselor if their spouse won't, but even solo trips to an expert can be helpful.

17 May 2016

Three Ways To Ensure Your Estate Is Divided Properly


Family ties don't always make for perfect, happy familial relationships. You may wish to leave your spouse, children, siblings or other relatives no part of your estate when you pass away. There are three ways to ensure that your estate is given to the heirs of your choosing. Your estate planning attorney is the best source of assistance for accomplishing these tasks. Living Will This is one of the most important documents you can ever write.

16 May 2016

4 Things To Include In Your Will


Ensuring the financial health of your family after your demise may be high on your to-do list. The best legal way for you to do this is to create a last will and testament. This is designed to protect your investments and provide your family with the remainder of your assets once you die. However, in order to have the most success with this legal document, you will want to know what to include in your will.

12 May 2016

3 Indications That Your Store Slip-And-Fall Case May Result In Compensation


Falls are considered the primary reason for injuries from accidents. Although many people may not understand the severity of slip-and-fall accidents, these incidents are responsible for more than a million visits to the emergency room. This type of accident actually represents about 12 percent of all emergency room visits. Slip-and-fall accidents can easily occur in a store. Here are a few indications that a slip-and-fall incident in a store may result in injury compensation:

15 April 2016